Ellan Jiang’s Unity GameFramework is a popular (1400+ stars on GitHub on September 2019) and elegant framework for Unity game programmer. I want to walk through the codebase and take some notes on it. I think this is a good way to learn it.

There are many modules supported by the GameFramework, including DownloadManager, EntityManager, EventManager, and FsmManager etc. Each class of these modules has to implement an abstract class GameFrameworkModule, which looks like

internal abstract class GameFrameworkModule
    internal virtual int Priority
            return 0;

    internal abstract void Update(float elapseSeconds, float realElapseSeconds);

    internal abstract void Shutdown();

The Update method is like the MonoBehaviour.Update method, that is used to update some states of objects. For that the framework works correctly, you (the user) have to call, in a specific place, the Update method of every module. The GameFramework also provides a static class GameFrameworkEntry which lets you can easily do this job.

For example, you can create a script called Entry, which shouldn’t be destroyed after the game is launched. In Entry.Update, you can write the below statement to update every module.

GameFrameworkEntry.Update(Time.deltaTime, Time.deltaTime);

Here is the implementation of it:

public static void Update(float elapseSeconds, float realElapseSeconds)
    foreach (GameFrameworkModule module in s_GameFrameworkModules)
        module.Update(elapseSeconds, realElapseSeconds);

The Shutdown method expects to be invoked when the game shuts down. Similarly, GameFrameworkEntry provides a method to shut down all modules:

public static void Shutdown()
    for (LinkedListNode<GameFrameworkModule> current = s_GameFrameworkModules.Last; current != null; current = current.Previous)


The Priority method is used for deciding the priority of updating of each module. s_GameFrameworkModules is a linked list to hold all game modules. The Priority larger, the position of the relative game module at s_GameFrameworkModules is fronter.

How to get each module? You just need to call GameFrameworkEntry.GetModule<T>(); If the game module you request is not existed, it will create one.

private static GameFrameworkModule CreateModule(Type moduleType)
    GameFrameworkModule module = (GameFrameworkModule)Activator.CreateInstance(moduleType);
    if (module == null)
        throw new GameFrameworkException(Utility.Text.Format("Can not create module '{0}'.", moduleType.FullName));

    LinkedListNode<GameFrameworkModule> current = s_GameFrameworkModules.First;
    while (current != null)
        if (module.Priority > current.Value.Priority)

        current = current.Next;

    if (current != null)
        s_GameFrameworkModules.AddBefore(current, module);

    return module;

Further Reading